Last week we launched meeting stages, and with them the first iteration of tasks. Tasks help you and your team focus on delivering amazing candidate experiences by letting you know what needs to be done, and when you need to do it.
That said, it's also important to know when you're waiting for inputs from others, such as colleagues or candidates themselves. Enter waiting tasks. Waiting tasks let you see the status of every candidate at a glance, whether there's an action to be taken or not:
Of course, nobody wants to wait forever. Every waiting task has a chase task backing it up — if things are taking too long, we'll help you get them back on track by reminding people to hold up their end!
If you want a snapshot of all the candidates applying for a given job, the Kanban board is a great place to visit. As of this week, we've also powered up candidate cards with tasks, so that you can now not only see where all your candidates for a given job are, but what needs to be done to move them forward!