
New updates and improvements to Prologue

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March 10th, 2023

More on candidate experience

We've shipped even more updates to the candidate dashboard this week, as well as some tweaks to our application forms. Candidate experience just keeps getting better.

The Prologue candidate dashboard

Introducing content cards, these give you a space to share updates from your company or give candidates an insight into what it's like working for you.

  • You can author content cards in your settings pages. Add in a link and we'll automatically pull an image, the card title and description from the page. You can then fine tune this after.
  • Content cards will show in all of your candidate dashboards. Any updates you make to these at the company level will immediately update for all candidates in your pipeline making it super easy for you to keep these relevant.
Authoring content

We've also brought some flexibility to our application questions functionality.

  • Questions can now be marked as not required, meaning that candidates do not have to complete them in order to submit their application.
  • Application questions created before this change will remain required.
  • This doesn't impact any validation we perform if an answer is provided
Optional application questions